Month: April 2022

DNS resolution process described in detail

DNS resolution process described in detail

DNS resolution process, generally defined, is a service that uses a domain to reach an IP address. Due to this system, we can access websites easily and quickly just by entering their domain. In our article, we will explain in detail this whole process. 

The definition of DNS resolution

As we have already said, Domain Name System (DNS) resolution is the process of obtaining an IP address through its domain. This is in order to facilitate online users. To visualize what DNS resolution is, we can most easily imagine a phone directory with people’s names. We don’t remember their phone numbers because it’s too difficult. The same principle is working for DNS resolution. Through the domain name, it reaches its IP address.

Need more information? Look at the following article about the DNS resolution!

Continue reading “DNS resolution process described in detail”

What does Round Robin DNS mean?

What does Round Robin DNS mean?

Round Robin DNS is a very effective traffic distribution method. In this article, we’ll look at its concept, its key benefits, and how to set it up. But first, let’s see what Load balancing is.

Load balancing – definition

Load balancing is an approach to improving network performance by distributing traffic among different servers using a specific algorithm. The visitor’s IP address, a server’s present occupation, a weighted loading balance based on the servers’ capacity, and other factors could be used to manage traffic.

How does Round Robin Load balancing work?

Continue reading “What does Round Robin DNS mean?”

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