Load balancing: How does it handle the traffic?

DNS load balancing is a widely used technique for optimizing the management of a hostname’s incoming traffic. It is becoming an increasingly popular method. But, as we’ll see later in the text, there’s a reason for this.

What is load balancing meaning? 

Load balancing in DNS is a method of distributing client requests among server machines by configuring a domain. We can associate the domain with a website, a mail system, etc., or any other Internet-based service.

If you are the owner of a large and popular website, it means that you will have a lot of requests for it. In addition, it needs to be fast, provide up-to-date information and process the requests it receives accurately and quickly. This is where traffic balancing comes in.

How does it work?

To help you understand how the traffic balancing method works, we’ll make it simple into a few steps:

  • Step 1: Increase site traffic. Users make numerous requests, which are routed to your website’s server via the Internet.
  • Step 2: The traffic is routed through the server’s resources. The load balancer accepts each request and routes it to the appropriate server. Each server runs with a reasonable load, processes the request, and returns it.
  • Step 3: The server responds to the request. It aims to process and return the request in reverse order. 

For example, you have a website that receives many requests every day, and you want to implement load balancing to distribute the traffic. How do you do this?  First, you set up a domain to redirect to multiple different web servers by specifying Internet Protocols. You can, for example, add three IP addresses:,, and Note that the allocation happens randomly. When a customer submits a request, the balancer receives it. It then decides where there is minimal traffic and routes it, e.g., to IP because the other two already have an increase in traffic.

Why do you need to have load balancing? 

The most fundamental reasons why load balancing is beneficial are the following:

  • Speed – As you may have guessed yourself, increasing speed is very important. If there is a DNS network of servers in various locations around the world, your client’s DNS queries will be resolved much faster. Because speed is an essential factor in SEO, having a well-built DNS balancer will give you an advantage over your competitors.
  • Security – We can examine the incoming traffic using this method. Equivalently, it can report errors and protect the Domain Name System server from malicious attacks. This avoids potential losses, phishing attacks, and so on.
  • Reliability – The balancing gives us the opportunity to redistribute our load. So, if traffic increases, we will ensure that all requests will be accepted, processed, and returned quickly and correctly. Without this method, you run the risk of your site being knocked down and losing a lot of money and customers.


As a result of the previous, we can infer that this strategy is advantageous if we wish to reduce the chance of our domain becoming overloaded. Nobody wants their website to be down and their consumers to be unable to use it. You can use load balancing DNS to avoid this from happening.

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